What: January CEO Tools Workshop
When: Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
Where: Holiday Inn, Kent
Communication is the lifeblood of organizational health, and is challenging even in the smallest organizations. As your business grows, your focus and planning on communication as a critical growth strategy is essential.
In this program we will work on:
· Understanding the critical need for communication
· Understanding the various modes of communication
· Recognizing what shifts or changes in communication as the organization grows.
· Creating a specific set of plans and goals to make communication in your organization better, and to sustain it and enhance it as you try to keep the organization “on the same page.”
Member arrive at 7:30am for breakfast and check-in. Please RSVP to Michele Bosworth by January 2, 2014 if you will be bringing employee guests.
Member Candidates are invited to join us for the workshop and lunch from 9:00-12:00 with lunch immediately following from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. Please arrive by 8:50am and wait in the lobby. Lauren Owen will come get you. The the workshop begins promptly at 9:00am.
Employee Guests are invited to attend the workshop from from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Please arrive by 8:50am and wait in the lobby. Lauren Owen will come get you. The workshop begins promptly at 9:00am.
Martin Kerner of Machine & Fabrication Industries
Holiday Inn
22318 84th Ave S
Kent, WA 98032
The Workshop will be held in the Evergreen Room.
Click HERE for Google Directions
Addressing Complexity as You Grow: The Challenge of Communication
- What have I tried, so far, to communicate my vision and our plans?
- What communication tools have worked in the past?
- How do I continue to communicate effectively as my organization grows?
- What are the modes and techniques of communication that will serve to keep my organization on the same page?
- Communication is a strategy, just as much as marketing, or technology, or capital planning. It’s just as important as anything else and deserves a focused and alert management approach.
- Understanding communication as a core strategic issue
- Creating a game plan for communication as their organizations grow and expand
- Understanding their personal role in communication strategy
- Identifying the needs that are currently present in your organization
- Five key best practices for communication
- Your communication plan, if you have one and, if you don’t have one, think about what your goal would be if you had such a plan.
- An Organization chart